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Start The New Year With These Waste-related Stories

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

We’ve been thinking about the new year and what it offers – a clean slate for focusing on what we want to consume and learn. Collectively at Foresight, we intend to spend more time reading, watching, and listening waste and recycling news and stories. Chances are you’re already making efforts towards a cleaner future, whether that be by reusing products, making thoughtful swaps in your purchasing, or recycling what you can. The team have shared some thought-provoking content to inspire more of this kind of thinking.

Bugs Across the Globe are Evolving to Eat Plastic, from Martin Burke (Technical Director): This study examines how enzymes could rapidly break down plastics into their building blocks to enable new products to be made from old ones, cutting the need for virgin plastic production.

Before the Flood, from Elizabeth Lough (Designer) Leonardo DiCaprio takes us on a journey as a United Nations Messenger of Peace in Before the Flood, travelling the world to witness climate change firsthand. He expeditions with scientists to uncover the reality of climate change and meets with political leaders fighting against inaction.

The Ugly Truth of Fast Fashion, from Michaela Kutlesa (Analytical Consultant) Thanks to fast fashion brands, people buy more clothes than ever before. But our desire to look good is taking a huge environmental toll.

The Problem of Food Waste in Facilities Management, from John Thurston (Operations Manager) This study examines food buying trends amongst organisations in the UK, finding that nearly three-quarters of senior decision-makers in the supply chain and food procurement are currently not tracking the amount of food their organisation wastes.

Veena Sahajwalla - The Girl Who Turned Trash into Treasure, from Sarah Smith (Principal Consultant) A podcast for the little ones - as a girl growing up in Mumbai, Veena Sahajwalla loved seeing how people reused all the rubbish. When she grew up, she became an engineer and a waste warrior determined to find new ways of turning mountains of trash into treasure.

Recycling! Is it BS?, from Ella Clarke (Consultant) How To Save a Planet is a podcast about climate change that is, for once, hopeful. One so filled with possibility that you actually wanted to listen. This episode looks at the science and processes of recycling and explores whether it is an environmental boon or a hindrance.

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